OMG, how I hate senioritis. Why is it my children turn into, know it all’s and show it all’s their senior year. Do they seriously think after graduation they are knocked in the head with a blessing wand and all their wishes and dreams come true? As if mom and dad will pay for our bills, apartment, car, school, and we just have to have fun and go to class. Do they not remember who their parents are?
So, I get home from work last Friday after thinking about what to write for the blog and getting home before the kids so I can play Rock Band 2 and start dinner. Shell comes home and is surprisingly nice to me with the sweet tone in her voice that I don’t often hear these days. In my head I’m thinking OK, what do you want sistah and how much is it going to cost us.
Mom she says I forgot to give you this permission slip (plunk on the desk). It’s for a trip to the Body Worlds exhibit (several hours away from home) and all of my health science class will be going. It’s not sponsored by the school but my teachers will be driving us. Waiting, Waiting, I still haven’t heard the catch yet… wait, wait… BUT, we have so many kids that will be going we wont all fit in the teachers cars so I MAY need to drive with some of the kids. BAM, there it is.
All I could think about was the year I graduated I bought a (almost brand new) 1979 Camero Berlenetta. It was cool and I loved that car. My high school Boyfriend was a junior at Tech and it was time for their annual Martigras party. I told my parents I and two of my friends were going to drive down. I didn’t think anything of it then but now I can see my mothers face in my mind as we drove away and she looked completely terrified. She must have been praying the entire weekend for our safety.
Being a mother, wife, sister, niece, etc… can be exhausting at times. I had this revelation last night. We have as many pets in the house as we do people and it’s freaky how each of the pets has the personality of their owners. Frankie is our found kitty (she found us). This cat should have a safety helmet on (really), she’s very sweet, very demanding and is my husband’s cat. Belle is the sweetest cat we have, she’s sneaky, only requires, food, water, a clean cat box and plenty of petting. She also has this thing about sparkly stuff and this cat belongs to my daughter. The oldest cat is Chandie. She is sweet when she wants to be and can turn on a dime. She’s tall, thin, and very independent and favors my son more than anyone. And of course Josie the dog, she always happy to see you, wants plenty of love, will give up her toy/meal to someone in need, and this would be me (yes, I’m the Dog).
I love every one of these annoying little turds and to see who favors who makes more sense. We favor the pets that are to most like us. We find them cute, funny, lazy, and sweet natured, etc… and without them, our lives would be missing something wonderful.
Ruff, Ruff,
Wendall K
I Am Sucking Less Than Normal And Amazing Myself
15 years ago